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EU Spring Summit

European leaders must keep their promises on climate change policy

Among the detailed topics which will be adressed by the Heads of States and governments on climate change, there are:

  • the level of the EU's emissions cuts by 2020. Currently the EU committed to a reduction of GHG emissions of 20% from the 1990 level but pressure is mounting to step up this effort to a -30% reduction target (in line with what the EU committed to do if other industrialised countries would join it). It has to be recalled that the IPCC calls the industrialised countries to cut their emissions by 25 to 40% by 2020 if we want to avoid climate change above 2°C.
  • the question of agrofuels and the 10% target. It seems that no member state has so far suggested dropping the goal;
  • the question of energy intensive industries and the so called "carbon leakage";

Unfortunately it is most likely that there won't be mention of the car CO2 reduction proposal or the fuel quality directive, although they could deliver much more GHG saving than agrofuel targets.

Fore more information:
Greens/EFA press release at the occasion of the Spring Summit
Greens/EFA background document
European Council


© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

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