Article overview

Ende der grausamen Tiertransporte? Der Kampf der Grünen/EFA für den Tierschutz

Jeden Tag werden Tausende Tiere unter entsetzlichen Bedingungen durch die Europäische Union und darüber hinaus transportiert, um sie zu züchten, zu mästen oder zu schlachten. Im Untersuchungsausschuss für Tiertransporte des Europäischen Parlaments (ANIT) kämpfen die Grünen/EFA für ein Ende dieser grausamen Praktiken. Die Verhandlungen stehen nun vor dem Abschluss.

How to end cruel animal transports: the Greens/EFA’s fight for animal welfare

Every day, thousands of animals are transported in horrific conditions across the European Union and beyond for breeding, fattening or slaughter. The Greens/EFA are fighting for an end to these cruel practices. Negotiations on the Committee’s report are now coming to an end.

New EU deforestation law could fail to protect our precious ecosystems – we’re not out of the woods yet

The Commission just adopted a proposal to stop deforestation. But this new deforestation law is all bark and no bite. It continues to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide, and EU products continue to be complicit in environmental destruction.

Gender and COP26: Why the climate summit should be on every feminist’s agenda

Gender justice cannot be sidelined when debating the future of our planet. It’s time for governments and institutions to take note, and put gender equality at the heart of any viable strategies on climate and ecology. 

CLIMATE JUSTICE AT COP26: Why we need an intersectional approach to climate activism

The climate crisis is affecting some parts of the planet more than others. But especially those most affected people and areas are not represented adequately at the COP in Glasgow. Continue reading to find out why intersectionality and representation at COP26 matters.

Let’s fix climate finance at COP26: time to put our money where our mouth is

For our daily report live from COP in Glasgow click here. This summer, fires, floods and heatwaves raged across the continents when the IPCC presented their long awaited climate report. If our worldwide annual emissions stay at the current level, the researchers conclude, our carbon budget – the amount of CO2 we can emit and […]

Daily updates from COP26

Greens/EFA live from Glasgow