Article overview

Climate activists: The EU Taxonomy is a financial and environmental threat to younger generations and we will not accept it

Late last year, the Commission published a draft for a new law on sustainable investments and quietly tried to include gas and nuclear power. Sneaking dirty energy onto a list of sustainable investments is the worst kind of greenwashing. We told the EU Commission that we do not want their dirty present.

Let’s listen to the people: Citizens demand stronger democracy and fundamental EU reform

As part of the Conference on the Future of Europe (COFE), EU citizens are being asked to help decide on the direction of the EU for the coming years. Greens/EFA MEPs explain how the project works and argue that the EU must trust its citizens by following through on their demands.

Feminist, fierce and fossil-free: Meet 5 feminist game-changers to watch in 2022

This year wasn’t an easy one for any of us. But we’ve been inspired by some truly incredible people who have been fearlessly fighting for the rights of women, gender diverse people and our planet. During the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, we reached out to some of our favorite feminists to find […]

Digital technologies in Europe: An environmental life cycle approach

The digital world isn’t just virtual and in the cloud. It has a resounding impact on the physical world. This study deconstructs the notion that the digital world is light, dematerialised and has no impact on the physical world.

Loi contre la déforestation importée : une proposition de la Commission en demie teinte. La bataille ne fait que commencer.

La Commission a enfin publié sa proposition, attendue de longue date, visant à réduire la contribution de l’UE à la déforestation et à la dégradation des forêts dans le monde ! Malheureusement, elle présente des lacunes majeures qui, si elles étaient inscrites dans la législation finale, nuiraient gravement à son efficacité.

La nuova legge UE sulla deforestazione potrebbe non essere sufficiente per proteggere i nostri preziosi ecosistemi – la battaglia non è ancora finita

La Commissione europea ha appena adottato una proposta per fermare la deforestazione. La legge proposta, però, non è sufficiente. La biodiversità e gli ecosistemi in tutto il mondo continuerebbero a essere minacciati, e i beni prodotti in UE continuerebbero a essere complici della distruzione ambientale.

Comment mettre fin aux transports cruels d’animaux : le combat des Verts/ALE pour les animaux

Chaque jour, des milliers d’animaux sont transportés dans des conditions horribles à travers l’Union européenne et au-delà pour être élevés, engraissés ou abattus. Au sein de la commission d‘enquête du Parlement européen sur le transport des animaux (ANIT), les Verts/ALE se battent pour mettre fin à ces pratiques cruelles. Les négociations sur le rapport de la commission d‘enquête touchent à leur fin.