Article overview

Chi possiede davvero la mia città?

Perché sembra che gli affitti siano in continuo aumento? Hai notato come nelle città vengono costruiti nuovi e scintillanti grattacieli che però restano vuoti, mentre c’è una generale carenza di alloggi a prezzi accessibili e un numero sempre più alto di senzatetto?

A greener Europe and better healthcare – recommendations from the Conference on the Future of Europe

An independent and randomly-selected panel of EU citizens has called for better climate protection and equal access to healthcare systems across Europe. The recommendations, agreed last weekend, will be presented to politicians and decision-makers today. Greens/EFA MEPs, Eleonora Evi and Michèle Rivasi, ask that these demands be taken seriously.

The Digital Services Act is coming. What will it mean for you?

The European Parliament has voted on a new law for online services, known as the Digital Services Act. Alexandra Geese MEP talks us through some of the problems of the digital age and what the Greens/EFA are doing to protect our fundamental rights.