© Alexander Briel
Press release |

Future of Europe debate with Xavier Bettel

Quote from Philippe Lamberts

The European Parliament is today holding a debate with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, on the Future of Europe.

Greens/EFA group co-president Philippe Lamberts will speak for the group. In his speech, he will say that Luxembourg’s commitment to European integration is undermined by its aggressive tax policies.

Please see below a quote from Greens/EFA group co-president Philippe Lamberts:

"Luxembourg has always declared itself in favour of European integration and there is plenty in its record to vindicate that. It was under the Luxembourg Presidency that the EU sealed the agreement on the pioneering General Data Protection Regulation. Luxembourg has also worked hard to advance equality, in particular for women's rights, and has given the green transition a prominent place in its public policy. It has even emerged as one of the defenders of the European Commission's proposals to protect whistleblowers, a welcome change of tune after its unsavoury role in the LuxLeaks scandal.

"But there is one serious problem with this picture - Luxembourg's opposition to any form of tax harmonisation is unworthy of a country that claims to defend the European project. From the country with the highest per capita income in the Union, Europeans should expect a helping hand, not a clenched fist."


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Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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