Press release |

EFA Group calls for a Ceasefire

The European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament understands the Israel and Gaza conflict is a deeply complex and longstanding issue that has caused immense suffering for civilians on both sides. It strongly condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas and the disproportionate retaliation attacks of the Israeli Government. It is crucial to recognize the humanitarian crisis and advocate for a just and peaceful resolution. 

Furthermore, we must condemn violence and human rights abuses on all sides and call for the release of all hostages and the need for international law to be respected, we must hold any side accountable for any violations. 

Promoting dialogue, understanding, and empathy between Israelis and Palestinians is essential to fostering lasting peace and stability in the region.  This includes the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, with borders based on pre-1967 lines, and a just resolution for the issue of Palestinian refugees. 

It is crucial that we guarantee safe humanitarian corridors for the citizens of Gaza, and that Humanitarian aid and supplies reach the area to alleviate the suffering of those caught in the crossfire, and it is essential that the world collectively works towards a peaceful and just resolution to this ongoing conflict, promoting stability, dignity, and security for all in the region.

We in the European Free Alliance group stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who have endured decades of displacement, occupation, and violence. 

We believe in their right to self-determination, the right to live in peace and security, and the right to have access to the basic necessities of life, such as clean water, healthcare, and education. 

We call for an immediate ceasefire and for the focus to be on saving lives, to pose an immediate end to the violence and for a comprehensive and fair solution to this conflict.


Press release
Press release
© Alexander Briel
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