Event |

2 years left to reach an ambitious climate deal

What role for Europe?



15.00 - 16.30

I. The latest scientific findings on Climate change- What are the risks for Europe?

Moderation Bas Eickhout MEP

  • Karolin Eichler - World Meteorological Organization
    - "A decade of extremes: WMOs assessment of the status of the global climate 2001-2010".
  • Dr Bill Hare - CEO and Managing Director of Climate Analytics
    - On the latest IPCC report.
  • Raphael Sauter - Senior Policy Analyst, Institute for European Environment Policy (IEEP).
    - Climate change impacts on EU islands.

16.30 - 18.00

II. From Warsaw to Paris – Which role for the EU between the US and China? Which ambition for the next COPs to maintain global warming below 2°C?

Moderation Satu Hassi MEP

  • Lina Li - Climate Policy specialist, Greenovation Hub China
    - The latest developments in China.
  • Jennifer Morgan - World Resources Institute
    - The latest developments in the US.
  • Wendel Trio - Director of Climate Action Network Europe
    - Climate policy development in the EU
  • Julia Michalak - Policy Officer from Climate coalition Poland
    - Which role for Poland at the next COP19?
  • Ronan Dantec - French Senator 
    - The Expectations from the French government.


Conclusions - tbc


Policy Paper
© lilly3
Green jigsaw

Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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