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EU's Research Programme

Green's to fight for more research on renewables and energy efficiency

The Framework Programme (FP) is the EU's main instrument for funding research and development. FPs have been implemented since 1984 and cover a period of five years. The current FP is FP6, which will be running up to the end of 2006. The FP is proposed by the European Commission and adopted by Council and the European Parliament (EP) following a co-decision procedure.
Therefore the EP plays an important role in the EU's research strategy. The Commission having presented its official proposals on FP7 (pdf), the EP has now to adopt it with its own inputs.
For the Greens, priority must be given to technologies that result in the rapid transformation to a sustainable and secure energy sector in Europe. The past funding and the ability of the commercial sector to fund the developments must also be taken into account.  Therefore energy efficiency and renewables must be first in the prioritisation list for fundings.

The Greens want to have a FP7 more oriented towards renewables and energy efficiency, with separate budget lines.

Within FP7 the EP will also be consulted on nuclear research and training activities which are carried out under the Euratom treaty. This programme will initially cover the period of 2007-2011, due to the specifics of the Euratom Treaty, but is expected to be renewed for the period 2012-2013 to converge with FP7.

The Greens want the Euratom FP to be reduced to its strict minimum with, especially, no fusion projects like ITER to be funded with the taxpayers' money.

The EP's Environment Committee has already accepted the Green's proposal to reject public funding for Euratom nuclear research.

Read the Green's paper on FP7 (pdf)
Get more detailed information on FP7
Green amendments (pdf) on the energy part of FP7
Green amendments on Euratom FP (pdf)



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