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New Spanish government should play progressive role in the EU

Greens/EFA group welcomes new Spanish government

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has welcomed the appointment of the new Spanish Government and expressed hopes for a renewed role for Spain in Europe, geared towards more green and progressive policies.

Greens/EFA group co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts comment:

“The appointment of the new Spanish government is a good sign for Europe. It gives hope to those who fight for a more just, social and ecological Union, something that is deeply needed in the current political situation. We expect the new government to push this agenda, starting at the next Council meeting.

“President Pedro Sánchez has given a clear pro-European signal with the appointment of a high-ranking EU official as his economy minister. We hope that we can now count on Spain to push EU policies in a more progressive direction, particularly on the environment and energy, but also on Eurozone reform, social Europe and solidarity with refugees and migrants.
"Bringing the environment, climate and energy back under one department was an urgently needed step and the appointment of a specific vice-presidency for gender equality is a positive move. We believe that the strong presence of women in the cabinet gives a clear signal of the new priorities of the government.

“The government will clearly gain stability by establishing broader agreements with other progressive forces in the Spanish Parliament, and we hope that a political compromise with other progressive forces can be soon established to strengthen its majority.

“It is urgent to open a new dialogue to solve the political crisis in Catalonia. We hope the election of President Sánchez will help ease confrontation and escalation. We want to see negotiations towards a new scenario, including a solution for imprisoned politicians and civil society leaders and the former government members with court-cases pending outside Spain." 


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
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Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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