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European Commission appointment

Greens/EFA group highlights conflict of interest concerns on commissioner-designate Cañete

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has written to European Commission president-elect Juncker to highlight concerns with commissioner-designate Miguel Arial Cañete's candidacy, notably as regards certain conflicts of interest. Commenting on the initiative, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said:

"Our group has grown increasingly concerned as regards the suitability of Miguel Arias Cañete for the post of commissioner for energy and climate action. Numerous potential conflicts of interests regarding Mr. Cañete have surfaced over the past two weeks and have failed to be satisfactorily addressed. Whether as regards his and his family's links to the oil industry, a holding in a shadowy Dutch shell form or to irregularities with regard to CAP funds, there are serious concerns about his independence and commitment to the general public interest. The EU Treaty makes very clear that there can be no doubts in this regard.

"We are calling on Jean-Claude Juncker to take a clear stance, with a view to ensuring the integrity of the incoming European Commission."

A copy of the letter can be found at: /legacy/fileadmin/dam/Documents/Letters/Letter_to_President_Juncker_24_09_14.pdf


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Offshore wind farm / CC0 Nicholas Doherty
Offshore wind farm / CC0 Nicholas Doherty

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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