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EFA MEPs welcome vote to recognise Palestine

Press release from the EFA Group in the EP

MEPs from the European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament have welcomed today's vote to recognise Palestine.

It was, they said, an important and symbolic step forward towards lasting peace and a two state solution.

But they regretted moves to water down the European Parliament resolution.

The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament draws together parties representing Europe's stateless nations, regions and minorities, and forms a common parliamentary group with the Greens.

EFA MEPs have long campaigned for recognition of Palestine and a peaceful, negotiated two state solution.

President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament, Josep-Maria Terricabras (Catalonia) said

"Today's vote is of huge symbolic importance, with the European Parliament supporting the recognition of Palestinian statehood, in principle.

"What we have achieved today is a great step forward.

"Since the collapse of peace talks earlier this year, we have seen unprecedented expansion in illegal settlement construction on occupied land. This is in breach of international law and jeopardises a lasting, peaceful, two-state solution.

"Several Parliaments in Europe have now supported the recognition of Palestine. The momentum towards statehood is growing and cannot be stopped. In the long run, this will be of benefit to both Israel and Palestine, and for peace in the wider region."

SNP MEP Alyn Smith (Scotland), a member of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee said:

"There is not a peace process worth the name, and recognition of Palestine has been long promised but not as yet delivered. 

"This resolution will achieve little towards that but it does at least reiterate our support for a viable two state solution. 

"The Scottish parliament has long expressed Scottish view that there should be a recognition of Palestine as soon as possible without preconditions, and I wish the European Parliament had matched Scotland's principled neutrality."

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans (Wales) said:

"Today the European Parliament has taken a major step forward in helping the peace process in the Middle East by recognising the State of Palestine.  It will help preserve the two state solution.

"I have long campaigned for a peaceful solution of this conflict and have visited the region many times. I hope this vote will put pressure on all parties to resume the peace process.

"I also welcome the decision to support a proposal from my political group to set up a "parliamentarians for peace" initiative with members from Europe, Israel and Palestine."



Last year EFA MEPs François Alfonsi, Jill Evans and Ana Miranda published "Living under occupation: Daily Life in Occupied Palestine", a film about their visit to Palestine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osocIWakOp4


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Responsible MEPs

Jill Evans
Jill Evans
Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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