Press release |

Arms trade

New treaty a step forward for disarmament but challenges remain

The European Parliament today voted to give the go-ahead for EU member states to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty. Commenting after the vote, Green foreign affairs and security spokesperson Tarja Cronberg stated:

"This new arms control regime is an instrument which serves security, peace and disarmament objectives. The aim of the treaty is not free trade but less trade, with a view to reducing the contribution of arms to human rights and humanitarian abuses, genocide, crimes against humanity, regional tensions, but also to organised crime and terrorism.

"The implementation of  the treaty is crucial. To this end, EU member states need to clearly define the term trade and transfer and to make sure that they are willing to regulate all kinds of arms transfers, also loans. How new weapons technologies that have changed military intervention, like drones, should be dealt with remains open unfortunately, as this technology is not covered by the ATT.

"We need to decide how we want to develop and manage the different export control regimes within the EU. There should be a single, clear and strong management structure, which is tasked with oversight, and ensuring coherence and transparency. The current division of labour between the Commission, the External Action Service, the Council and member state governments is unclear and creates confusion. We also need a formal role for the Parliament in arms control and the implementation of all EU export rules."


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