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Green MEP Judith Sargentini assesses Migration and Home Affairs Commission candidate Dimitris Avramopoulos

Green MEP Judith Sargentini gives a cautiously positive assessment of the EP hearing with Dimitris Avramopoulos and Migration and Home Affairs under the new Commission.

What was your overall impression of how commissioner-designate Avramopoulos performed?

Dimitris Avramopoulos has seen it all. An experienced politician that will not be provoked easily. It will be interesting to see whether the studies, evaluations and in depth looks that he will take into issues such as the Dublin Treaty and the connection between data retention and PNR will lead to a policy that actually holds some principals or whether his practical approach will lead to middle of the road EPP policies with a short term view.

Were there particular issues of answers that stood out – either in a positive or negative sense?

He speaks with dignity about migrants, that they 'are an asset to society' and shows a practical approach: 'legal migration is the best way to combat illegal migration'. Whether his plans for legal labour migration schemes will materialise, needs to be seen, but the intention seems to be there. 

Do you think he is suitable for the portfolio he has been assigned?

Let’s face it, he is not a Green politician, and he will most probably try to 'balance rights with needs and day to day politics' but his statements on data protection, asylum and migration will give Greens opportunities to remind him of his promises. 

Out of ten, what marks would you give his hearing performance?

7.5. Nice also to see him respond calm but strong on questions on Golden Dawn.


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Judith Sargentini
Judith Sargentini

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