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EFA MEPs meet with SNP MPs over Scotland’s future

EFA MEPs have been meeting today with former MEP Alyn Smith MP and Dr Philippa Whitford MP to discuss the path for Scotland's independence and its return to the European Union.
During these meetings, EFA MEPs and SNP MPs had a profound and constructive debate on independence following the recent announcement of a Scottish Independence referendum and the possibilities and options Scotland has to return as an EU member.
In January 2020, Scotland was forced to leave the European Union even though it voted overwhelmingly to remain during the Brexit Referendum. Since then, Scottish people have voiced their desire to return and become an EU Member state once again, this time as an independent country. 
Last Thursday, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced that a second referendum on Scottish independence will take place on the 19th of October, 2023. Mr Smith and Dr Whitford explained to the EFA MEPs the road map of this referendum.
On behalf of the EFA Group, our MEPs expressed their utmost support and solidarity on their road towards independence. 
EFA Group President and MEP, Jordi Solé said:
"At the meeting with the SNP, we have shown full support for the road map presented this week by Nicola Sturgeon to achieve independence and the return of Scotland to the EU."
" Let us hope that the British government will not thwart the Scottish people's desire for self-determination and that a new referendum can be held in full order in October next year."
"We welcome the regular publication of Reports showing the positive effect their country's independence would have on Scottish citizens as a basis for a serious and constructive debate on the referendum."
"We can not wait to welcome them back."
Stirling MP and SNP Foreign Affairs spokesperson Alyn Smith said:
"Nicola Sturgeon this week set the ball rolling in the next referendum campaign for an independent Scotland. The people of Scotland now have a clear choice between a failing Brexit Britain - or an independent nation back in the EU.
"Scotland gained many friends in Europe during our years of EU membership, and the SNP has been keen to maintain those friendships as we face the future. Philippa Whitford and myself have been out in Brussels this week speaking to colleagues from the European Parliament and national governments - and explaining our positive vision."
Central Ayrshire MP and Shadow SNP Spokesperson on Europe Dr Philippa Whitford said:
"Scotland was dragged out of Europe despite a clear majority of the people voting to remain. We now, however, have the opportunity to return to the EU as a full and equal partner.
"Scotland has what it takes to be a successful European nation. We're now engaging in a legal and democratic process which will turn that wish into a reality."


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Responsible MEPs

François Alfonsi
François Alfonsi
Piernicola Pedicini
Piernicola Pedicini
Jordi Solé
Jordi Solé

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