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EFA Diana Riba: “Greece is the latest chapter in the spying scandal in Europe. But I fear it will not be the last.”

Diana Riba Vice-Chair of the Inquiry Committee on Pegasus, expressed her solidarity with Nikos Androulakis MEP, after it was revealed he was the latest spyware victim

Diana Riba i Giner intervened in plenary to discuss the newest findings on surveillance and predator spyware systems, such as PEGASUS and Predator. Greece has been the last country to be impacted by the spying softwares. The findings show decisions by the national intelligence service to spy on Nikos Androulakis, the leader of Greece’s opposition socialist Pasok party and a member of the European Parliament, and journalist Thanasis Koukakis. 

Diana Riba Vice-Chair of the Inquiry Committee on Pegasus, expressed her solidarity with Nikos Androulakis MEP, after it was revealed he was the latest spyware victim.”I would like to start by showing my full solidarity and support for our colleague Nikos Androulakis. As a victim of Pegasus, I fully understand the anger, outrage and helplessness he feels.” She said.

MEP Riba i Giner highlighted the danger and severity of the current situation; the lack of action and scrutiny on the State Members involved signifies a huge breach of the rights of the European citizens and called for a firmer response from the European Commission. 

“We are witnessing a serious attack on democracy and the fundamental rights of European citizens, and it is unacceptable, on the one hand, the lack of transparency and opacity of the Member States and, on the other hand, the lack of forcefulness of the European Commission.“ Diana said. 

When discussing the consequences of the situation, MEP Diana Riba pointed out how certain political groups blocked the possibility of a mission to Spain by the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware to investigate the findings in Spain. “On what moral authority can we criticise the Commission or the governments of the Member States if here in this House, for purely political reasons, a mission to Spain, the country where the biggest mass espionage scandal in Europe has taken place, is being blocked?” She highlighted the double standards on the chamber as she addressed the Members of Parliament.

“If we want to be believable, let us start by being honest.”

Diana Riba, Vice-Chair of the Inquiry Committee on Pegasus and EFA MEP, concluded.



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Offshore wind farm / CC0 Nicholas Doherty
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Responsible MEPs

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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