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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities and events 7-12 June 2010

Greens/EFA events next week:

Conference - Financing Culture in the Digital Era
Tuesday, 8 June, 9.30 - 13.00

Room ASP 1G03, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEPs Karima Delli and Eva Lichtenberger host this conference aimed at exploring different ways of guaranteeing a fair remuneration to authors and creators, together with universal access and circulation of knowledge and culture.


Hearing - Nuclear Waste: Will the Directive Solve the Problem?
Tuesday, 8 June, 13.00 - 15.00

Room ASP 1E1, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Rebecca Harms and S&D MEP Anni Podimata host this hearing at which experts will present examples from different European countries regarding their respective nuclear waste strategies. Lessons will be drawn from these experiences with respect to the Draft Nuclear Waste Directive, with the aim of formulating requirements that a meaningful EU directive should fulfil.


Film Screening - "Solutions locales pour un désordre global"
Tuesday, 8 June, 18.30 - 22.00

Room ASP 1 G03, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEPs Michèle Rivasi, Sandrine Bélier and José Bové present the Belgian premiere of "Solutions locales pour un désordre global", a film that looks beyond the genre of doomsday films. By explaining problems that exist in current social models that lead to financial and ecological crises, the film is able to illuminate realistic solutions and alternatives that can applied to our societies. To be followed with by a Questions and Answers session with the Director Coline Serreau.


Exhibition Opening - Hörstadt/ Acoustic City
Tuesday, 8 June, 18.30

ASP 3rd Floor "Espace Distribution", European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Eva Lichtenberger invites you to the opening of the exhibition Hörstadt/ Acoustic City, documenting how urban noise affects all our lives and how a city took up the challenge of cutting acoustic pollution. With objectives and values for urban planning, Linz became the first city in the world to make acoustics a political topic, and Hörstadt has shown how a new conception of traffic can reduce noise in a city by half.

Public Hearing - Carbon Leakage: Risks and Reality
Wednesday, 9 June, 9.30 - 13.00

Room ASP 1 G03, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Yannick Jadot hosts this event,which aims to assess the true risks of carbon leakage, as well as discussing viable policy options for tackling the affected sectors. Also includes an overview of a study by Climate Strategies on carbon leakage.


Workshop - CAP 2020: Green Growth or Green Deal?
Wednesday, 9 June, 15.00 - 18.00

Room ASP 1G03, European Parliament, Brussels

> The Green Group of the European Parliament hosts this workshop with stakeholders and national green parties on the future of agricultural and rural development. Green MEPs José Bové (France), Martin Häusling (Germany), Margrete Auken (Denmark) and EFA MEPs Jill Evans (Wales) and Alyn Smith (Scotland) will participate in the conference.

Programme: http://www.greens-efa.eu/cms/default/dok/342/342771.cap_2020@en.htm   

Conference - Green Jobs: Decent work!
Thursday, 10 June, 9.30 - 13.00

Room ASP 1 G03, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEPs Elisabeth Schroedter and Reinhard Bütikofer host a dialogue with social partners on the working conditions in the new sustainable economy. Guest speakers include Guyla Hegyi, Cabinet of Commissioner László Andor, DG Employment, European Commission.



Green jobs
Position Paper
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

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