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Greens' action on paternity leave

Green MEPs, parents and children call for guaranteed paternity leave

Do you think fathers in the EU should be guaranteed at least two weeks, fully paid paternity leave?

The Greens/EFA Group invited fathers who support this improvement in paternity leave rights to show their support – together with their babies or small children – before a crucial committee vote at the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday, 23 February at 15:00. This is when Parliament's FEMM committee (for gender equality and women's rights) voted on the Estrela report on pregnant workers, maternity and paternity leave.

A majority of MEPs in the committee supported the the Socialist rapporteur Edith Estrela and the Greens/EFA Group in their call for two weeks fully paid paternity leave. MEPs also voted in favour of a minimum of 20 weeks maternity leave - at fully pay - across the European Union.

High-resolution photos are available on request.


Green jobs
People walking in a train station / CC0 Christian Wiediger
People walking in a train station / CC0 Christian Wiediger
Position Paper
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
MJ Haru CC0
white and yellow apartment buildings

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