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Fundraising Training: Migration, Refugees & Asylum Seekers Projects

Call for participants

! To apply, future participants should fill in and submit the application form until Sunday, 20 August, midnight CET !

In 2016, GEF and Greens-EFA collaborated on the ‘Guide to EU Funding on Migration and Asylum’, a publication available in 16 languages, which showcases EU funds available to local activists and organisations across Europe. In 2017, the need was identified to organise a training which allows organisations working on these topics to exchange best practices, at the same time with reinforcing their fundraising capacities.

The training will provide information on European Commission funds such as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), as well as a solid background and practical experience on innovative fundraising techniques available to organisations with reduced means, such as crowdfunding, experiential fundraising, etc.

Last but not least, this training will be an opportunity for foundations, movements and NGOs working on topics around migration, refugees and asylum seekers to exchange and gain insights into the political dimension of migration, looking at the local, national and European level. Participants will get the chance to exchange with policy-makers and with refugees and asylum seekers themselves (one of the training days will be organised in a refugee centre in Athens).

Participants’ profile

The training is addressed to staff working in European foundations, organisations, NGOs and movements who work on migration, refugees and asylum seekers projects and who are looking to expand their skills-set and contacts in order to do successful fundraising. It is targeting all organisations working to provide solutions for the arrival and integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

There will be maximum 25 places on the training and the applicants should fulfil the following conditions. They should:

  • Have experience in working on projects with migrants/ asylum seekers/ refugees or the clear interest in initiating such projects.
  • Ideally be responsible for fundraising within their organisation.
  • Have the ability to use English as the working language throughout the training.
  • Have the availability to attend the full duration of the training.
  • Show interest and motivation to fulfil an active role during the training and to explore possibilities to collaborate with other organisations active in the field.
  • Represent an organisation based in a European country.


By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Expand their knowledge on the political dimension of this topic.
  • Strengthen and broaden their network of actors and organisations engaged in work on the topics of migration, refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Gain practical skills on fundraising for their projects in this field.

Working methods

The training will combine formal and non-formal learning methods, with a clear focus on the latter as all sessions are focused on group formation to provide space for exchange of experiences and best practices among participants, and allow them to develop project ideas together. To be successful, this will require participants to have an active input in sharing their own knowledge, and to be willing to learn new skills from their trainers and from each other. The working methods will include:

  • Small group discussions
  • Verbal and visual presentations
  • Plenary debates
  • Reflection periods
  • A study visit and other joint activities

Venue, timing and duration

The training will last 3 full days, starting on Thursday, 28 September 2017, in the afternoon and ending on Sunday, 1 October 2017, in the afternoon. The training will be organised in Athens, Greece.

Financial information

The expenses in relation to the training will be covered by GEF and the Greens-EFA. This includes food and accommodation, as well as all training costs.

Travel expenses (home-to-home) shall be made by each participant individually and will be reimbursed afterwards in accordance to the GEF guidelines on travel reimbursement, which will be communicated to the selected participants in advance.

Application and selection of participants

To apply, future participants should fill in and submit the application form until Sunday, 20 August, midnight CET.

Participants will be selected on the basis of:


This training is realised with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.

For more information, please contact the Project Coordinator, Carlotta.Weber@gef.eu.

Successful applicants will receive confirmation of their participation, followed by more detailed information.


  • The profile of participants as described above;
  • The experience, expectations and training needs of applicants;
  • The desire to create a balance in the range of geographical areas represented (while taking into account that there is more activity and hence need for funding in particular geographic areas), as well as a gender balance.


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