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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA priorities and events 1-5 March 2010

The EU's post-Lisbon Strategy direction will be in the spotlight on Wednesday as the Commission publishes its Communication on the "EU 2020 Strategy" for the next 10 years. On the same day, the Greens/EFA Group hold a major conference with expert guests in order to assess the sustainability of this strategy in the context of Greens/EFA calls for a "Green New Deal" in response to converging economic, environmental and social crises.

These and other Greens/European Free Alliance priorities and events for next week include:

Greens/EFA priorities in the EU agenda

Monday-Tuesday: Agriculture ministers will officially adopt a common position on the regulation on illegally-sourced timber and timber products

Wednesday: The EU Commission will publish its Communication on the EU 2020 Strategy

Thursday: The EP budget committee will adopt draft reports including Green MEP Helga Trüpel's report on budget guidelines for 2011

Greens/EFA events

Conference - Delivering the right to health with the Health Millennium Development Goals
Monday, 1 March - Tuesday 2 March, 09.00-18.00 (both days)
Room ASP1G2 (Mon)/PHS03C50 (Tue), European Parliament, Brussels
> Green MEP Eva Joly and Plan EU host this two-day conference which examines Europe's role in combating poverty-related crises by 2015. The first day is a European Parliamentary Forum with national and European elected politicians, followed by a high-level conference on the second day, with a keynote address from the WHO's Susanne Weber Mosdorf and interventions from EU development ministers Soraya Rodriguez, Charles Michel and Laszlo Varkonyi.


Film screening - Disco and atomic war
Tuesday, 2 March, 18.15
Room ASP1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
> Hosted by Greens/EFA MEP Indrek Tarand, this award-winning documentary takes an unorthodox look at the past East-West divide in Europe, featuring bikinis, Dallas and Knight Rider. A discussion will be held immediately afterwards with the directors.

Conference - EU 2020 agenda, path or barrier to the Green New Deal?
Wednesday, 3 March, 09.30-17.00
Room ASP1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
> This landmark Greens/EFA event - on the day the Commission publishes its EU 2020 Strategy - will pose fundamental questions on the future direction of Europe's economy and society, notably in the green tech sector, in sourcing financing for green investments and even in assessing whether any kind of growth can be truly sustainable. An array of expert guests represent the fields of public and private finance, the academic world and beyond. Guests include Professor in sustainable development Tim Jackson and Ditlev Engel, CEO of Vestas Wind Systems. Philippe Lamberts, Claude Turmes, Caroline Lucas, Rebecca Harms and Pascal Canfin are the participating Green MEPs.


Web livestream:

Press conference - Violence against women in armed conflicts
Wednesday, 3 March, 10.30-11.00
Press briefing room PHS 0A50, European Parliament, Brussels
> Presenting the latest news from the situation in D.R. Congo in particular, this press conference will highlight the issues around violence against women in armed conflicts. Green MEPs Barbara Lochbihler and Isabelle Durant are joined by alternative peace prize laureate Monika Hauser and other leading civil society representatives active in D.R. Congo.Conference - Language diversity: a challenge for Europe 
Thursday, 4 March, 9.30-18.00 (Press conference at 11.00)
Room A1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
> The European Free Alliance host this conference on linguistic diversity, with guest experts and personalities from Catlonia, Corsica, Wales, Galicia and Estonia.


Conference - Blogging for democracy: Cuba, Web 2.0 and the EU 
Thursday, 4 March, 14.00-18.00
JAN 6Q100, European Parliament, Brussels
Or participate live online at: http://theembeddedcitizen.blogspot.com/
> In the wake of the death of a dissident in Cuba, this online conference brings together celebrated blogger Yoani Sánchez and other influential, free-speaking figures from Cuba's active alternative blogosphere. How is Web 2.0 playing a part in Cuban politics and what role should the EU play? Greens/EFA MEPs Franziska Brantner and Christian Engström (Swedish Pirate Party) facilitate the debate.


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