Press release |

Music copyright

EP tightens up accountability and transparency within collecting societies

The European Parliament's legal affairs committee today unanimously adopted a report on collective management of copyright. This draft legislation, part of the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Europe 2020 Strategy, aims to tighten up transparency and accountability within collecting societies and facilitate the provision of online music services, bringing collecting societies up to date with the development of online services. 

While the rules currently in place are fragmented, the draft legislation will ease free movement of copyright-related services and thus facilitate collecting societies' licensing of music for provision online. It will also give right holders more effective control over collecting societies.

Christian Engström, Greens/EFA MEP (Pirate Party, Sweden) and member of the legal affairs committee, said:

"The Greens are delighted with this vote which will improve transparency and accountability in the collecting societies by introducing new rules entailing reporting obligations as well as increased right holder control over the collecting societies. It represents a major step towards improving existing management deficiencies, which have often had a negative impact on young and new artists in particular. This is crucial for right holders, the authors and artists, who have a right to expect accurate and timely payments from their collecting societies. But it will also benefit the internal market and the cultural sector as a whole. Many online music providers, such as iTunes and Spotify, deal with collecting societies and these new legislative proposals will facilitate their ability to provide music to consumers throughout Europe."


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