Press release |

Fascist symbols row at European Parliament

Press release by ERC MEP Oriol Junqueras

Catalan MEP Oriol Junqueras has written to the European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek calling for Francoist symbols to be removed from the European Parliament building in Brussels.

The row follows an exhibition in the European Parliament of a copy of the Spanish Constitution adorned with Francoist imagery and the motto 'One, great and free'.

Junqueras said:

"The European Union stands for the principles of freedom and democracy, so it's totally incoherent for the European Parliament to publicly display the symbols of an authoritarian regime such as that of Franco".

The offending display can be found on the third floor of the Altiero Spinelli building at the European Parliament in Brussels and was a gift of the Spanish Parliament.

Junqueras added:

"Placing fascist symbols on display isn't just offensive for those visitors to the European Parliament who know of the atrocities committed by this fascist dictatorship, it also harms the institution's image and provides cover for totalitarian regimes.

"Many parliaments in Europe have made gifts to the European Parliament of works of art or other items of cultural importance, but the Spanish parliament has seen fit to opt for a legal text and one has to wonder why?"


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