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Miranda speaks up against the coup d’etat in Guatemala

EFA MEP Ana Miranda, intervened in plenary this week in the debate on the situation in Guatemala, to defend the legitimacy of the elections and the sovereignty of the Guatemalans 

On the 23rd of June 2023, Guatemala held its presidential elections, and the winning candidate Bernardo Arevalo took over 60% of the vote share. Since then, Guatemala’s judicial and fiscal powers have tried to question the legitimacy of the election results and have tried to force another general election.

Miranda, who was an observer MEP in the elections as part of an official Election Observer Parliamentary Mission said:

“Mr President, I support the people of Guatemala in their struggle for sovereignty in the face of pertinent attacks to undermine the democratic process.”

“As a member of this Parliament's international observer mission, I had the honour of being there and we saw the legitimacy of the outcome in the Guatemalan elections.- There was no fraud, as stated by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and also by the EU election observation mission” She added.

The Galician MEP attributed the questioning of the results to an alliance of the right-wing forces who had been in power for so long.

“Neither the For Madrid, supported by the extreme right nor all the attacks on democracy in our beloved Guatemala are going to bring about a coup d'état. The end of dictatorship, corruption and impunity has finally arrived.” She said,

To conclude Ana Miranda MEP dwelled on how much the Guatemalans had suffered, and how their vote for change needed to be respected.

“Guatemala has suffered a lot: it has problems of poverty and it has problems of inequality. This is what the people of Guatemala have voted for: they have voted for change. 

Of course, Guatemalan men and women, we in this Parliament will always stand up for you.” The EFA MEP concluded



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Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda

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