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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA Priorities for 30 November - 4 December 2009

The Greens/European Free Alliance Group's priorities and events for this week include:

Greens/EFA priorities

An announcement is expected from the Justice and Home Affairs Council regarding an EU-USA bank data transfer agreement, amid strong objections from the European parliament:

Candidates for the European Ombudsman position (currently held by Nikofouros Diamandouros) will have hearings in the EP petitions committee.

The Lisbon Treaty comes into force.

Newly-appointed EU foreign affairs high-representative Catherine Ashton will have a discussion in the EP foreign affairs committee.

Security of gas supply will be a key issue at the EU-Ukraine summit.

Greens/EFA events

Breakfast debate - EU external fisheries policy
Tuesday, 1 December 2009, 08.00-09.00
Members Salon, European Parliament, Brussels
> Journalists are invited to this breakfast debate hosted by Green MEP Isabella Lovin, which will count on the participation of DG MARE Director-General Fokion Fotiadis, other Commission officials and Member State national representation officials, as well as six other MEPs and NGO representatives. The debate will focus on fisheries partnership agreements, which cost €150 million per year and are blighted by numerous problems.

Seminar - How to get REDD right?
Wednesday, 2 December 2009, 15.00-18.00
PHS 7C50, European Parliament, Brussels
> REDD stands for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, a critical element in the fight against climate change. This cross-party event, with the participation of Green MEPs Catherine Grèze and Ska Keller, will look at livelihoods, ecosystem services and biodiversity.

Round table - Fight against poverty and social exclusion
Wednesday, 2 December, 12.45-14.15
PHS 1C47, European Parliament, Brussels
> Ahead of next year's European Year on the topic, UK Green MEP Jean Lambert hosts this discussion on poverty and social exclusion, focusing in particular on the need for "decent work and quality jobs" in Europe. S&D MEP Pervenche Berès and NGO SOLIDAR will participate.
Register at: events@solidar.org

Launch event - Smart move (buses and coaches in Europe)
Wednesday, 2 December, 18.30-21.00
Members salon, ASP Ground Floor, European Parliament, Brussels
> Buses can help cut use of individual vehicles and coaches can also play a role in cutting CO2 in routes where trains are unavailable. A launch reception of "Smart Move", hosted by Michael Cramer, will provide an opportunity to find out more.

Seminar - Russian nuclear expansion and climate change
Thursday, 3 December, 13.00-15.00
Room A1E3, European Parliament, Brussels
> Green MEPs Rebecca Harms and Bart Staes, together with Sirpa Pietikainen, co-host this event with guest speakers Hussein Chechenov, Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexander Nikitin who will lend their expertise on nuclear safety and environmental considerations.

Lunchtime debate - Ilisu Dam Project in Turkey
Thursday, 3 December, 13.00-14.30
Members Salon, ASP Ground Floor, European Parliament, Brussels
> The Ilisu Dam Project in eastern Turkey is among the most controversial in the world. Green MEPs Hélène Flautre and Eva Lichtenberger will be among those present to debate the EU's role in ensuring international standards are respected.

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