Ernest Maragall

Ernest Maragall





Parti L'Esquerra pel Dret a Decidir
Social Media

Ernest Maragall was born in Barcelona in 1943.
He is an Economist and Computer Analyst. He was formerly head of the Cartographic Institute of Barcelona (ICB), Executive Director of the Municipal Institute of Informatics (IMI) of Barcelona City Council, Director of the Àrea d’Informació de Base i Organització, and CEO of ICB.
He served in Barcelona City Council as Counsellor of the Presidency and the Treasury until 2003 and was also President of the District Council of Sant Andreu.
He has extensive experience of public service in municipal government, including Chair of the Municipal Institute of Informatics, President of the Municipal Finance Commission and Vice-President of the Commission of Civil Service of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
From 2003 to 2006, Ernest was Secretary of the Catalan government, and from 2006 to 2010, he was Minister of Education.
He served as a Member of Catalan Parliament until 2012.
He is currently Vice-President of the Catalunya Europa Foundation and the President of Nova Esquerra Catalana.

Ernest Maragall was Member of the European Parliament from June 2014 until January 2017. 

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