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Communiqué de presse |

SNP disappointed at fish quota proposals

A press release by EFA MEP Ian Hudghton

Commission highlights inadequacies of CFP

SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has today (Tuesday) criticised the European Commission's proposals for fishing quotas for 2012.  Amongst the proposals, the Commission has also called for a zero TAC on cod in west of Scotland waters - despite such a policy by definition increasing the amount of discards. 

The Commission has also proposed a 25 per cent increase in haddock catches in the same waters - despite scientific advice suggesting that a 410 per cent increase would be sustainable. 

Mr Hudghton commented:

"Just as the negotiations for reform of the CFP get under way, the Commission has served up a timely reminder of the total inadequacies of the current system.  The Commission has ignored scientific advice and has made proposals which would see an increase in discards.

"The Commission has proposed a zero quota for cod off the Scottish west coast, in their words 'to stop fishing for cod'.  A zero quota of course won't stop cod from being fished - it simply means that all cod caught will have to be discarded.

"Scotland's fishermen have worked hard to use innovative fishing techniques aimed at increased sustainability.  These efforts have not been rewarded and instead the Commission are using the same old blunt and failed tools.

"These proposals merely highlight the failings of a centralised CFP - and increase the urgency for total reform and the return of real powers to Europe's fishing nations."


Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse

Député(e)s responsables

Ian Hudghton
Ian Hudghton

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