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Communiqué de presse |

Ukrainian crisis

Escalation in Crimea must be avoided

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine. Commenting on this and the latest developments in Ukraine, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

"The European Parliament has today warned against an escalation of violence in Ukraine. European leaders must immediately try everything to stop the escalation in the Crimea. The contract of the Russian fleet with Ukraine remains valid but Ukraine must also decide on the political future of the Crimea itself. Ukraine's future should not be jeopardised by new deaths. Europe needs peaceful solutions and its leaders like Merkel, Hollande and Tusk have to convince Russian president Putin of this. The EU, Russia and Ukraine must immediately come together to work towards a de-escalation of the situation. Those European countries on the UN Security Council must use this avenue to do so. There is also a need to swiftly start negotiations on an Association Agreement with the EU."


Communiqué de presse
Due Diligance Directive
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Ilaria Salis
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse
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Député(e)s responsables

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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