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Communiqué de presse |

Revised directive will help protect consumer interests

Audiovisual Media Services

The European Parliament’s Culture and Education Committee has today voted on proposals to reform the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. This revision will extend the scope of the regulation to include video sharing platforms. Greens/EFA MEP Helga Trüpel, who is vice-chair of the committee, welcomes the result:

"Given the rapid pace of change in media technologies, it is high time that the conditions for linear and non-linear media services were brought in sync. There must be a fair internal market for audiovisual media services. We are pleased to have secured improvements that will make services such as video sharing platforms more accountable, especially in terms of consumer protection and the protection of children and young people. There needs to be better regulation to tackle seriously offensive or harmful content, while still ensuring freedom of expression. Video sharing platforms must be obliged to take action when they are made aware of harmful content on their site. 


"We are also pleased to have won changes that will strengthen the European supervisory authority, ERGA, which helps to support the democratic function of European media. Given the recent erosion of media independence in some Member States, it is more important than ever to have independent oversight and share best practice."


The Audiovisual Media Services Directive is part of the Digital Single Market Strategy. The revised text will now go into the trialogue with the European Commission and the European Council.


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Due Diligance Directive
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Communiqué de presse
Photo by Marcus Urbenz on Unsplash
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Député(e)s responsables

Helga Trüpel
Helga Trüpel

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