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Communiqué de presse |

Renewable energy

Clear signal on EU renewable energy policy diluted by failure to back explicit 2030 target

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its opinion on EU renewable energy policy. The Greens gave a mixed response to the outcome, welcoming the backing for successful national support schemes and for a binding 2030 EU renewable energy target but regretting the failure to explicitly call for an ambitious 40-45% target. Commenting on the outcome, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes (who was EP draftsman for EU legislation on renewable energy) stated:

“While today's vote sends a mixed message on EU renewable energy policy, MEPs have given strong backing to national support schemes for renewables and called for a binding 2030 EU target. They have sent a message to the Commission and EU governments to act to capitalise on the economic and employment-creating potential of renewables. However, given the moves by energy commissioner Oettinger to undermine renewables and prevent the Commission from pushing for an ambitious target, we regret the failure by a majority of MEPs to explicitly vote for a nominal target - 40-45% by 2030. This is an unfortunate dilution of the political signal that parliament is sending on renewables.

“Building on the success of the EU's 2020 renewable energy target, an ambitious and binding 2030 target is a vital regulatory tool. The target would provide much-needed investor certainty and, combined with the right policies on the internal energy market, well-designed individual support schemes and the necessary infrastructure, will ensure we can move towards 100% renewable energy by 2050. A lot of scenarios have made clear that renewables can contribute 45% of the overall energy supply in 2030 with the right policies. We would urge the Commission to make a robust case for the adoption of an ambitious 2030 target. Regrettably, commissioner Oettinger is trying to muzzle the Commission on this key issue.

"The report adopted today underlines the need to preserve national support schemes, like feed-in tariffs, which have proved successful in promoting the uptake of renewable energy. With some in the Commission continuing to try and undermine these successful policies, today's vote should make the right course for EU renewable energy policy clear and head-off those in the Commission.”


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Député(e)s responsables

Claude Turmes
Claude Turmes

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