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Communiqué de presse |

Rebecca Harms in Kiev

EU must support reforms in Ukraine

Commenting on the current events in Ukraine, Rebecca Harms, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European parliament, stated:

“Recent events in Ukraine have demonstrated the strength of Ukraine’s civil rights movement and shown how strong the wish is for a new, democratic beginning and justice. Through the decisions it took yesterday, the Ukrainian parliament has lived up to its responsibility for the country. The removal of Yanukovych was an inevitable and logical next step. The rehabilitation of Yulia Tymoshenko was a sign against politically-biased justice. Next, all legal procedures currently underway against the Euromaidan activists should be dropped and all protesters being held should be released.

“At this very moment, Ukraine’s citizens and politicians are facing huge challenges. In addition to dealing with the aftermath of the recent tragic events, as well as reforms and preparations for elections, the people of Kiev’s predominant wish is for peace and national unity. The EU must provide all the support it can – and not just financial. Ukrainians need the freedom to travel. The question of sanctions has not yet been ruled out and money laundering must continue to be investigated. The EU must follow and support the reforms that are decided in Ukraine.”


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Député(e)s responsables

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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