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Communiqué de presse |

Greens/EFA Group & European Pirate Party reach agreement to continue positive and productive collaboration


The Greens/EFA Group and the European Pirate Party (PPEU) have come to an agreement to continue their collaboration with the PPEU as a distinct delegation within the Greens/EFA Group. Greens/EFA MEPs have just approved the agreement and delegates for the European Pirate Party will vote on ratifying this agreement this weekend at the PPEU Congress.

Statement from Greens/EFA Group Presidents Terry Reintke MEP and Philippe Lamberts MEP:

“We are pleased to continue working with European Pirate Party MEPs as a distinct delegation in the Greens/EFA Group during the next mandate. Our successful, productive and positive work together over the years has put this group at the forefront of the fight for digital rights, privacy, democracy and the climate. Our continued cooperation will ensure that together we can keep working for our common values as one group in the European Parliament.”


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Député(e)s responsables

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Membre titulaire
Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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