European External Action Service (
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Communiqué de presse |


Quote from Ska Keller, Greens/EFA Co-President


"There is still time for the European Union and Britain to find an agreement with fair competition rules and high and binding environmental, social and labour market standards, adequate fishing rights and a dispute settlement mechanism. The irresponsible sabre-rattling of Boris Johnson has not helped the negotiations. The European Union and Britain must bring the talks to a speedy conclusion. Without an agreement, both the EU and Britain will lose.”

Climate law

"With a climate target of 60 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the European Parliament has laid the groundwork for the EU to meet its climate obligations. We welcome the fact that eleven EU countries are pushing the pace. We call on the German Presidency of the Council to swiftly bring forward a Council position at a special climate summit.“ 

MFF/recovery fund

"A EU governments step towards the European Parliament could bring movement into the deadlocked negotiations. We call on EU governments to invest more in research, health, democracy and digital technologies and to make the payment of EU subsidies conditional on compliance with the rule of law. Inaction must not remain the European Union's answer to the crisis of the rule of law."


“We welcome attempts to enhance vigilance and overall coordination regarding quarantine regulations, cross border contact tracing and the joint assessment of testing methods. Building vaccination capacities in the EU, providing fair and affordable access to a vaccine and a robust authorisation and monitoring process for a future vaccine is crucial to fight the pandemic. Heads of States and Governments need to find a coherent and well-coordinated approach to properly response to rising numbers of infections and to avoid cross-border travel restrictions.”


making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration
Communiqué de presse
Photo by Jannik on Unsplash
Photo by Jannik on Unsplash

Député(e)s responsables

Ska Keller
Ska Keller

Merci de partager