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Communiqué de presse |

Britain can step back from the brink

ECJ Opinion on Brexit

Today, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Manuel Campos Sánchez-Bordona, has issued an Opinion indicating that that Article 50 may be revoked by a Member State under certain conditions during the withdrawal process. The case, which was brought to the ECJ by a group of Scottish politicians including Greens/EFA Member Alyn Smith, had been referred from the Scottish Court of Session and the UK's Supreme Court. Opinions of the Advocate General are not final rulings, however they frequently shape the decisions of the ECJ. The Court is expected to rule on the case before the end of the year.

Philippe Lamberts, President of the Greens/EFA group and member of the Brexit Steering Group in the European Parliament comments:

"It was always clear that Brexit is a lose-lose game but today's legal opinion reminds us that it's still possible for the UK to step back from the brink. EU membership is a democratic choice and if the British people decide to change their mind about whether Brexit is in their best interests, then there is no legal impediment to their doing so. And we have made it clear repeatedly that the European Union should welcome them back with open arms. Now, all eyes are on Westminster and the upcoming vote, but UK MPs should know that there is a way out of this, should they wish to re-join the European family."

Alyn Smith, Greens/EFA Member and co-litigant on the case comments:

"This is a huge win for us, and a huge step forward from the highest court in the business, and confirms what we have been hoping for: that the UK can indeed change its mind on Brexit and revoke Article 50, unilaterally. We now have a roadmap out of the Brexit shambles, a bright light has switched on above an 'EXIT' sign and the false choice being offered to MPs at Westminster, that it is Mrs May's disastrous deal or chaos, is shown for what it is, an abuse of Parliament. There are other options, and we can stop the clock."

Député(e)s responsables

Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Membre titulaire

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