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Prenez part à la Révolution alimentaire

Appel à la mobilisation

As part of World Food Day, 16th October, the Greens/EFA group launches a new campaigning project called 'Join the Food Revolution'.

Personal engagement and participative democracy are key in determining and improving food policies throughout Europe. Thanks to the 'Join the Food Revolution' project European citizens have the chance to be part of a political project aimed at improving EU food policy.

This webplatform provides a space where people can present their projects and ideas, proving that whether through small or big projects, EU citizens can get together to act at grassroots level to suggest alternative practices to the food production model defined by the current EU legislation.

If as farmer, fisherman, food professional, organisation or citizen, you support,  manage or are  part of a project that works at promoting improvements to the current food system, this new web tool  encourages you to put your name forward to be added to the 'Join the Food Revolution' community!

If you know of a project, individual or organisation working towards improving and reforming the food system, you can invite this person or organisation to take part in the project.

The project you support does not have to be enormous or spectacular. A Food Revolutionary should be someone who works at improving the food system whether at local, national or multinational level. Everyone can be part of the change in the food system. Your participation in this collective uprising can be a strong incentive to elected European politicians to bring about the legislative reforms that are needed for European food policy to become genuinely sustainable.

It is time for food policies to reflect people‘s concerns. So, join the Food Revolution Sign up to the Charter and register online to share your actions in favour of reform!


#WFD2013 #JoinFoodRev


Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Communiqué de presse
Photo by Ingeborg Korme on Unsplash
Logging trucks
Communiqué de presse
© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
VDL at the Conference of Presidents

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