10 days for a pesticide-free spring!
Pesticide Action Week kicks off
The Pesticide Action Week is an annual international event open to all and aiming to promote alternatives to pesticides. It takes place from 20th to 30th March, the 10 first days of spring during which the spreading of pesticides resumes.
The public is invited to get better informed about the health and environmental issues caused by pesticides and the possible alternatives through hundreds of gatherings, with conferences, panel discussions, film shows, workshops, site visits, symbolic marches, open farms, stands, exhibitions, shows and more.
This year, 700 events are already scheduled mostly in France and in 15 other countries in Europe and Africa.
The Greens/EFA group are contributing to this initiative, in particular via its Give Bees a Chance campaign, aiming to end the negative impacts of pesticides and GMOs on bees and related food products. On 19th March, 1 day before the start of the Pesticide Action Week, Green/EFA MEPs kicked-off spring with the movie screening in the European Parliament of 'More than Honey', the new film of Markus Imhoof in order to spread the word and call for action to stop the practices affecting bee colonies, especially the use of neonicotinoid pesticides which are currently under discussion at the European level.
See here what's wrong with bees and pesticides and what needs to be done to save them:
- Total ban on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides needed: Open letter to Commissioner Borg on Bees and neonicotinoids
- Syngenta, Lies & Pesticides: The 10 Syngenta Lies on bees and neonicotinoids
- Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy
- Decision on the use of neonicotinoids pesticides affecting bees
- Definition by the European Commission of which endocrine disruptors to ban (which concerns many pesticides)
- Belgium:120 events to promote alternatives to pesticides for agricultural uses:
- Spain: a new video on the event (in Spanish) :
- Africa : workshops on pesticide free agriculture with farmers in several African countries
- France: 23rd March – French National Action Day : everybody is invited to post signs on pesticides free zones (fields, gardens, houses, public areas, schools…).
- Brussels : 22nd March in Brussels: Conference “Pollinator friendly farming is possible” at the European Parliament