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EFA MEP Diana Riba speaks up for women and girls in Afghanistan

Almost eight months since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the situation has drastically changed for many women and children across the country. 
EFA MEP Diana Riba raised the challenges and threats women and girls faced in Afghanistan just for their gender. She talked about the majority of the females in the country that have been forced to quit dreams, education, jobs and more. And those who still find the strength to stand up for their rights are threatened with torture or death. 
When the Taliban regime gained power over Afghanistan, they promised women and girls would be able to go back to studying soon; eight months later, the story is very different. 
Riba i Giner asked the EU institutions to follow the same solidarity and approach with the Afghan refugees that we have seen with the Ukrainian people and urged them to set conditions in the relationship with the Taliban regime as long as Human Rights are in violation.
Riba called for genuine asylum and migration policies where people and their rights are at its heart. 
Diana Riba, EFA MEP said: 
“In the last twenty years, some 3.3 million Afghan girls have gained access to education, and women have been able to participate actively in the political, economic and social life of the country. These were small gains, but gains nonetheless”.
“The EU must therefore make any contact with the regime conditional on respect for human rights, with special attention to girls and women. And it must also apply the same empathetic attitude and willingness to welcome that it has shown in the case of Ukraine”.
“Let us leave double standards behind. Europe must move towards a genuine asylum and migration policy that prioritises rights and people”.


Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse

Député(e)s responsables

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
Présidente de l'ALE et première Vice-Présidente des Verts/ALE

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