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Événement |

The European Public Prosecutor

A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights?

Watch the event live


  • Mireille Delmas Marty
    Professor at the Collège de France, Chair of Comparative legal studies and the internationalisation of law, Paris


  • Mireille Delmas Marty
    Professor at the Collège de France, Chair of Comparative legal studies and the internationalisation of law, Paris
  • Raoul Ueberecken
    Counsellor - coordination, horizontal issues, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, external relations, Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the EU
  • Isabelle Pérignon
    Member of the Cabinet of EU Justice Commissioner Vĕra Jourová
  • Michèle Coninsx
    President of Eurojust, The European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit
  • Marianne Wade 
    Dr, Senior Lecturer Director of the Institute of Judicial Administration, University of Birmingham
  • Peter McNamee
    Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), Bruxelles
  • Alex Tinsley 
    Fair Trials International, Legal and Policy Officer, Head of EU Office, Brussels


Welcome note

Rebecca Harms (MEP), Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

Introductory note

Eva Joly MEP


Mireille Delmas Marty
The European Public Prosecutor: A proper approach to fight economic crimes and ensure fundamental rights?

Questions & Answers


How to ensure effective prosecution of economic crimes and ensure procedural rights?

Mireille Delmas Marty, Raoul Ueberecken, Representative of Eurojust (N.N.), Peter McNamee, Alex Tinsley, Marianne Wade

Host: Jan Philipp Albrecht MEP

Questions & Answers

Concluding remarks

Eva Joly MEP


Communiqué de presse
Due Diligance Directive
Communiqué de presse
Ilaria Salis
Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse
©International Labour Organization ILO (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)
forced labour

Député(e)s responsables

Jan Philipp Albrecht
Jan Philipp Albrecht
Max Andersson
Max Andersson
Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Eva Joly
Eva Joly

Merci de partager