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Événement |

Le temps presse

Pourquoi il faut accélérer les négociations sur le climat

 (Ce document n'existe qu'en anglais)

The next COP, which will take place in Qatar at the end of November is just round the corner. Following up from the big debate that took place last year the Greens/EFA group is organising an event to assess the progress that has been made since the last UN climate discussions in Durban last year, exchange on the issues that are at stake and discuss what role Europe could play to ensure that a comprehensive and ambitious agreement is found in Doha.

--- Draft agenda ---


Satu Hassi, Green MEP and Official Representative of the Greens/EFA group in the Official Delegation of the European Parliament in Qatar

9.30 - 10.30
Running out of time: Why the climate negotiations should be speeded up
Yannick Jadot, Green MEP 

  • Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Vice-Chair of IPCC & Philippe Marbaix, Doctor of Science, Assistant to Vice-Chair of IPCC Mr van Ypersele
  • Sandrine Dixon - Decleve - Prince of Wales's EU Corporate leaders Group on Climate Change


10.30 - 11.30
What should be achieved at the next COP in Qatar?
Satu Hassi, Green MEP   

  • Michel den Elzen, Senior Climate Policy Researcher, Department of Climate, Air and Energy, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
  • Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC   (discussion via Skype) 


11.30 - 12.30
The role of the EU: not showing up empty handed

Rebecca Harms, Green MEP 

  • Tomasz Chruszczow, Head of the Polish delegation (tbc)
  • Delphine Batho, French Minister of Ecology, Energy and Sustainable Development. (tbc)
  • Michael Starbaek Christensen, Deputy Head of Cabinet of Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action


Conclusions: Satu Hassi, Green MEP


Communiqué de presse
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Communiqué de presse
Photo by Ingeborg Korme on Unsplash
Logging trucks

Député(e)s responsables

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot

Merci de partager