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Événement |

Réindustrialiser l'Europe - la voie verte

Conférence du Groupe des Verts/ALE

(Ce document n'existe qu'en anglais).


Some EU industries are doing just fine. But European industry is also in a tough spot. The economic crisis has shaken the financial system, international competition is increasing, resource prices are gyrating and demographic change threatens to lead to a skills gap. How can European industry continue to prosper under such circumstances? And how can a green economy help the necessary re-industrialisation in Europe? Join the Greens/EFA Group for a lively discussion on industrial policy with a keynote from Sylvie Lemmet, Director of the Division of Technology, Industry and Economy at UNEP.


9h30 - Registration (ASP Mail entrance - Place Luxembourg)

 10h00:                   Welcome remarks by Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament


10h10:                   Keynote by Sylvie Lemmet, Director Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


10h30:                   Discussion


11h10:                 Greening the Economy - The Role of Industry
                             Reinhard Bütikofer - MEP

15 min.:                Dr Kurt-Christian Scheel, Vice President, Head of Governmental and Political Affairs, Robert Bosch GmbH

15 min.:                Thomas Lingard, Director, Global Advocacy, Unilever

15 min.:                Ward Mosmuller, Director Public Affairs, DSM

60 min.:                Discussion


12h55:                   Sum-up


13h-15h:              Lunch Break


15h00:                  Greening the Economy - Financing & Regulation - Philippe Lamberts - MEP

10 min.:                Michal Miedzinski, Coordinator, Eco-Innovation Observatory and Senior Consultant, Technopolis Group

10 min.:                Andrea Benassi, Secretary-General, European Association of Craft,Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (UEAPME)

45 min.:               Discussion


16h15:                   Making the Green Economy Happen: Green Leaders Session - Bas Eickhout - MEP

15 min.:                Rudolf Anschober, State Councillor of Environment, Energy, Water and Consumer Protection, Oberösterreich, Austria

15 min.:                Olivier Deleuze, Co-President Ecolo, Belgium

15 min.:                Ondřej Liška, Chairman Strana zelených, Czech Republic

15 min.:                Åsa Romson, Spokesperson of the Swedish Green Party, Sweden

65 min.:                Discussion


18h20:                   Closing remarks by Bas Eickhout, Member of the European Parliament


18h30:                   End


Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Communiqué de presse
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Deforestation illegal-logging-amazon-brazil
Communiqué de presse
Photo by Ingeborg Korme on Unsplash
Logging trucks

Député(e)s responsables

Reinhard Bütikofer
Reinhard Bütikofer
Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Membre titulaire

Merci de partager