©2021 Kasia Strek
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Événement |

My body my choice

Art Exhibition in Copenhagen

The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, together with the European Greens, will host an art exhibition on the topic of sexual and reproductive health and rights at the 6th European Green Party Congress in Copenhagen (2-4.12.2022). 

Through the MY BODY MY CHOICE exhibition, we want to highlight artworks that engage with the issue of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); and more specifically pro-choice movements defending the right to free, safe and equal abortion in Europe. The artworks will relate to the exhibition’s theme of reasserting the right to choose. 

Collected through an open call to artists, the exposition is a collection of art illustrations, photography, artworks, media art, online projects, installations and sounds. 

An opening event will take place for Congress participants on Friday the 2nd of December from 13:45-14:00. 

Presenting her work at the exposition will be Kasia Strek, Polish photojournalist and winner of several international prizes and scholarships. 

The European Green Party Congress will gather over 1000 Green representatives, from ministers to grassroots activists from Green member parties. Greens have historically fought for the right to choose and are working on protecting the right to abortion across Europe.  

Abortion is legal throughout most of the EU, though the circumstances under which the termination of a pregnancy is allowed, vary according to each country. This means that access to abortion for people in the EU area is not the same for all, as it is considered a matter for national governments.

Stay up to date about our work on securing free, safe and equal abortion in Europe: 

We rise for abortion rights - Greens EFA 



Communiqué de presse
Communiqué de presse

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