L'avenir de l'industrie sidérurgique européenne est-il plutôt rose ou plutôt vert?
Conférence des Verts/ALE
The future of steel industry is a crucial question in European industrial policy. There's no question that the European steel industry is under considerable competitive pressures from overseas. Ignoring that or giving up on the European steel industry is no option for Greens since we are convinced that a highly energy and resource efficiency industry will be an indispensable partner for the green industrial revolution that we pursue. Reconciling economic concerns with environmental ones, innovation needs with competition issues, employment challenges with low-carbon strategies will by no means be an easy task. This is why we are organising a hearing with representatives from industry, trade unions, NGOs and academia to investigate in more details possible common approaches and successful solutions. Join Greens/EFA Members and high level experts to discuss these important questions.
Draft Programme
Welcome remarks: Isabelle Durant MEP
Panel 1: Market and Innovation perspectives: Chaired by Philippe Lamberts MEP
15h05 - 15h20
Philippe Morvannou, Syndex
Analysis of the EU steel market
15h20 - 15h35
Sebastian Plickert, Umweltbundesamt
Resource efficiency and innovation potential of steel
15h35 - 15h50
Tomas Wyns, CCAP, author of "Technologies available to reduce European Steel, paper and cement industry emissions"
Emission reduction potential of steel
15h50 - 16h30
Panel 2: Stakeholder perspectives: Chaired by Reinhard Bütikofer MEP
Ensuring the future of the industry and managing the transition towards a sustainable business model
16h30 - 16h45
Jacques Pélerin, Director of ArcelorMittal Wallonia
16h45 - 17h00
Ulrich Eckelmann, General Secretary, European Metalworker's Federation
17h00 - 17h15
Dr Jens Traupe, Head of Environment and Energy Policy, Salzgitter AG and chairman of the EUROFER Climate Change Committee
17h15 - 17h30
Hans Bergman, Head of Unit ‘Benchmarking’, DG Climate Action
17h30 - 18h20
18h20 - 18h30: Closing remarks: Isabelle Durant MEP