Une transition juste et durable pour sortir du charbon
(Ce document n'existe actuellement qu'en anglais)
The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is determined to engage in a meaningful dialogue with all actors so we can find the best possible path out of coal, while supporting the regions and miners effectively.
The objective of the conference is to bring together representatives from different coal regions to discuss about a fair transition away from coal,to create synergies and a networking platform for future exchanges and to identify possible concrete areas of work convergence. We envision having two panels with interactive discussions, with short interventions followed by a debate and Questions & Answers with participants. Simultaneous interpretation in several EU language will be provided.
Welcome: Reinhard Bütikofer MEP
Presentation: Lignite of the living dead - Laurence Watson, Carbon tracker
Round table discussion
What do regions need for a fair transition away from coal? - Reports from the field
Moderation: Rebecca Harms, MEP
Guest speakers:
- Manuella Cavaco, Municipal Councilor of Loos-en-Gohelle, France
- Belén Soler, Region of Teruél, Spain
- Oliver Krischer, Member of Parliament, Germany
- Elefterios Ioannidis, Mayor of Kozani, Greece
- Montserrat Mir Roca, ETUC representative
Short reactions from the floor:
- Susann Scherbarth, Friends of the Earth Europe
- Joanna Flisowska, Europe Beyond Coal Campaign, Poland
Launch of Greens/EFA video on coal transition
Presented by Claude Turmes, MEP
11:50 - 12:50
What does the EU have to offer for the affected regions?
Moderation: Ska Keller, MEP
Presentation: Phasing-out coal - reinventing European regions - Timon Wehnert, Wuppertal Institut
Reactions from the panelists (see above)
Conclusions: Florent Marcellesi, MEP
A light lunch will be served at the end of the conference.