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Greens/EFA Conference

"Empowering people for sustainable energy" conference, 9 November

On January 10th, the European Commission will publish the long awaited "Energy Package" in view of the European Council which will take place in early March 2007.
Promotion of nuclear and coal energies will be at the heart of this package. Nevertheless, to dress it up, the Commission will embellish the whole with a bit of renewable energies and energy efficiency.

On the road to this European Council, the Greens in the European Parliament will organise a conference focused on the launch of a " Green scenario for energy and transport policy in Europe".

This conference will represent a key milestone of the Green's involvement in the EU and national debates on energy and climate change.

We hope that we'll have the pleasure of welcoming you to this conference and get your opinion and concrete experience on board for a fruitful debate.

Rebecca Harms and Claude Turmes
Greens/EFA MEPs and Energy Spokepersons

Agenda (pdf)

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish Finnish and Spanish.


© Christian Kaufmann
Picture of vegetables on a table
making it green together illustration
making it green together illustration
Newspaper burning

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