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Energy policies

Energy efficiency and renewables is the only strategy to meet climate targets

"An energy policy based on efficiency and renewables is the only strategy to fullfill climate change and security of supply goals".This sentence would be the best wrap up of the study which was presented yesterday to the European Parliaments' ITRE Committee.

Carried out by the german Wuppertal Institut it clearly shows that there's only one option for Europe: energy efficiency and renewables. All other options, especially the strategy based on high nuclear investments, would only reduce CO2 emissions on low levels and are also not really improving security of supply.

This official study by the EP confirms the findings of another official research issued by the Commission, DG TREN in July.

Both scenarios show that the only way out of the current energy crises consists in combining efficiency policies in all the sectors of the economy with a parallel phasing in of renewables for electricity, heating and cooling and the fuel sector.

For the full studies:

European Parliament study by the Wuppertal Institut (pdf)
European Commission study, DG TREN (pdf)


© Christian Kaufmann
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