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Another Chernobyl waiting to happen?

Hearing on the prolongation of the lifetime of Chernobyl-type reactors

It is frightening that 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster, in the context of the G8 summit and of the recent incident at the Swedish Forsmark nuclear power plant, most of the Russian nuclear power plants of the Chernobyl-type already have, or will soon receive, a license to prolong operations for up to 20 years past their initial foreseen lifetime.

The hearing will bring together European and Russian stakeholders from government, industry, research, and NGO communities to examine the safety aspects of such prolongations and discuss policy implications.

The agenda for the day will be as follows:

  • Welcome – Rebecca Harms, MEP
  • Opening remarks – Marek Siwiec, Chairman of the Interparliamentary Delegation to Ukraine
  • Safety and legal aspects of the prolongations – Igor Kudrik, Bellona
  • Testimony from Chernobyl – Sergii Mirnyi, liquidator
  • Policy assessments from MEPs, the Commission and Alexander Nikitin
  • Panel discussion, including all participants

The hearing will take place in the European Parliament at 9:30 am on Thursday 5th October 2006 in room PHS 1C47.


© Christian Kaufmann
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