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Quote from Philippe Lamberts

Prime Minister of Belgium / Future of Europe

Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts comments on today's debate on the Future of Europe with Prime Minister of Belgium, Charles Michel.

"It’s clear that no country can face huge challenges like climate challenge or the excessive power of multinationals on their own. Yet instead of pushing for tax justice, the Belgian government is working behind the scenes to bury the financial transaction tax, all the while allowing the country to be used as a tax haven for the mega-rich. Despite the honourable actions of many Belgian citizens, who have opened their homes to those fleeing war and misery, the government’s attitude to refugees has been appalling. On the climate, Belgium should be striving to make the transition to a green economy that is needed to safeguard our climate and sustain our economy; instead Prime Minister Michel prefers to pin his hopes on crumbling nuclear plants.

"If Belgium is to secure a positive future for its people, then it needs a government that will be bold at home and show solidarity with its neighbours."


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Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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