European Parliament Hemicycle in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 - Source : EP
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Parliament to vote on MFF revision - Quote from Rasmus Andresen


Today, MEPs will vote on the Parliament's position on the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU’s seven year budget. The Greens/EFA Group support the Commission proposal revision of the MFF to account for funding for Ukraine and greater flexibility in Next Generation EU debt payments as a package. 

Rasmus Andresen MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Budgets Committee, comments:: 

“It is essential that we support our Ukrainian allies in their struggle against Russian oppression, which is why we welcome the MFF revision to ensure continued financing and support for Kyiv. Our group supports the Commission proposal but argues that we need greater flexibility and additional resources to tackle issues such as climate related disasters and to take our responsibility in humanitarian crises across the globe. 

“Debt repayments need to be treated separately and need a long term and sustainable solution outside the margins of the multiannual financial framework also in order to protect from vital programmes such as Erasmus, HUMA and LIFE, so that inflation on debt payments do not undermine these funds. 

“Unfortunately, the Member States have been delaying getting an agreement on the MFF revision. Now, the Council should hold a special summit in the autumn to get an agreement on the MFF revision or we risk putting EU programmes and our commitments for continued and predictable financing to Ukraine at risk.”


The debate can be followed live from 09:00 here


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Sasha Popovic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
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Rasmus Andresen
Rasmus Andresen

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