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European Parliament

Greens/EFA group elects new co-presidents

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament today elected Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts as its co-presidents for the first half of the legislative term (2014-17). Rebecca Harms (Germany) was co-president of the Greens/EFA group in the previous legislative term (2009-14). Philippe Lamberts (Belgium) is a former co-spokesperson of the European Green Party, who is in his second legislative term as an MEP.

Ulrike Lunacek (Austria) was today elected as the Greens/EFA group's candidate for vice-president of the European Parliament.

The following MEPs were also elected as vice-presidents of the Greens/EFA group today: Bas Eickhout (Netherlands – elected Greens/EFA treasurer); Peter Eriksson (Sweden); Heidi Hautala (Finland); Ska Keller (Germany); Julia Reda (Germany).

The final composition of the bureau of the Greens/EFA group (co-presidents, vice-presidents, treasurer and secretaries-general) will be concluded next week.


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Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts
Ulrike Lunacek
Ulrike Lunacek
EP Vice-President, Member

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