Press release |

European Free Alliance Group Congratulates French MPs on Landmark Success in the 2024 Legislative Elections

Brussels — The European Free Alliance (EFA) Group in the European Parliament extends heartfelt congratulations to its Members of Parliament (MPs) in France on their successful results in the 2024 legislative elections.

The election saw significant victories, including the re-election of our two Members of Parliament in Corsica: Michel Castellani from Femu a Corsica and Paul André Colombani from Partitu di a Nazione Corsa, as well as the re-election of Paul Molac in Brittany. Additionally, a historic result was achieved in the Basque Country with the election of Peio Dufau, the first Basque nationalist MP in the region.

The impressive performance of EFA parties, represented jointly by the federation of Regions et Peuples Solidaires (R&PS), underscores the growing support for its vision of a more inclusive, sustainable, and decentralised France, standing up against a threatening far-right that, despite not winning the elections, garnered staggering support. Noting that most of EFA candidates stood independently as unfortunately, even progressive and centrist forces refused co-operation.

The European Free Alliance Group understands the importance and necessity of this landmark victory for democratic and progressive forces, particularly against the backdrop of a very dominant far-right, which poses a threat to the rights of many.

Diana Riba i Giner, EFA Group President said:

“From the European Parliament, we want to congratulate the elected MPs part of the European Free Alliance and Regions et Peuples Solidaires, as they will be decisive in working towards a France that respects the rights of the regions and stateless nations within the French Republic.”

“I would also like to congratulate the Popular Front, which includes our green partners in the European Parliament, for their significant role in forming a cordon sanitaire against the far right. This is not only good news for France but for all of Europe.”


Responsible MEPs

Diana Riba i Giner
Diana Riba i Giner
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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