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Eurogroup must deliver on Greek debt relief

A cross-party group of MEPs has written to the Eurogroup, calling on it to conclude the 2nd review of the Greek programme and deliver the necessary measures on debt relief. Greens/EFA group co-president Ska Keller, who signed the letter alongside Gabi Zimmer (GUE/NGL) and Gianni Pittella (S&D), comments:

"Greece has made huge progress on the many difficult asks that have been made of it. It is now time that the Eurogroup delivered on its side of the bargain. They have to at long last cast aside ideological or political objections and enable the debt-relief measures that are so urgently needed and that Greece was given assurances of. For the first time in many years, Greece has credible hopes for genuine economic development. The Eurogroup has a responsibility to support Greece on this path towards sustainable recovery.

"There is broad consensus that Greek debt relief is unavoidable. Even the IMF has made clear that there is no way out of the crisis without substantial debt relief. The German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäube must finally end his obstruction. It is simply unacceptable that the necessary debt relief is taken hostage again by the German election interests of Wolfgang Schäuble and the German CDU."



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Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller

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