Press release |


EU must be consistent to remain credible

Commenting on the regime's violent clearing of the protestors' camps and the consequent bloodshed and lethal clashes in the Egyptian streets, Franziska Brantner, foreign affairs spokesperson of the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, said:

"Despite considerable mediation efforts and repeated warnings by the EU and the US, addressing the current Egyptian regime to refrain from a violent clampdown on the Muslimbrotherhood's protest camps, the regime cleared the camps by force leading to bloodshed and a deep crisis. Now, the EU must act and cannot pretend nothing has happened. Without a clear reaction, credibility will be lost.

"An extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council should be convened to review now the different EU's aid and cooperation programs currently provided to the regime in Egypt. This meeting needs to take place quickly, the Member States must not be dragging their feet.

"The EU needs to make clear that cooperation cannot continue unless the regime's use of force against peaceful protesters stops, the state of emergency is lifted, and all political prisoners without judicial proceedings based on credible evidence of crimes are released. The Egyptian regime must also demonstrate a credible commitment to an open and fair political process, including freedom of assembly and association.

"After unsuccessful bilateral mediation attempts, the EU has to support the UN in assumimg the leading role. Ms Ashton needs to contribute to the organisation of an UN-led peace conference that will bring to the table not only the conflict parties but also all regional actors such as Qatar and Saudi-Arabia."


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